[Your State] [Republican or Democratic] Party Rules

No organization or association of citizens for the election of town officers
shall be deemed a political party
…” George Washington, 1909 Election Law §21


TAKE NOTICE: Every Committeeman should Register with their County Militia. There is no conflict of interest for Committeemen and Militiamen becoming a Jury Administrator.

These are the uniform rules for all committees for New York State, Established on June 2nd 2012 AD, in a bipartisan effort in honor of George Washington, at Kingston New York attended by and unanimously passed by all elected committeemen in each respective party, and unanimously ratified by all State Committeemen in each respective party on the same day.

These Uniform Rules were written in mind to prevent party bosses from seizing control, therefore we strongly suggest that each state/county addopt thes uniform rules and add to them as necessary.

Our Heritage is Common Law (rule by the mind of our creator) and our inheritance is Liberty. The Committeeman is the voice of the people which "is the consent of the governed". Tyranny is always just one generation from Liberty. Committeemen as the guardians of our Constitution, who's prime directive is to secure Common Law and watch for the stealthy encroachments by civil statutes, have a duty (which is also the duty of all Americans) to understand common law and our judicial system, failure to do so will result in our loss of our heritage and inheritance for ourselves and our posterity. Therefore it is imperative that a prime focus of the committeemen is to assure that our schools (elementary, secondary and college) teach and instill our heritage and all things that defines, expresses and preserves the fruit of our heritage being Liberty by the Grace of God and not man.

The safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and Essentially depend on the protection and blessing of Almighty God; and the national acknowledgment of this truth is not only an indispensable duty, which the people owe to him, but a Duty whose natural influence is favorable to the Promotion of that morality and piety, without which social happiness cannot exist, nor the blessings of a free government be enjoyed.” - John Adams

1) A certified copy of these rules shall be filed at the NYSBOE and shall be made available to all committeemen and the general public, upon demand

2) The purpose of party rules is to organize the committees, not to impose power or control.

3) Amendments to these rules may be made by popular vote of a quorum among all elected committeemen in NYS, and ratified by two thirds of a quorum of the elected State Committee.

4) A quorum is the majority of elected committeemen on any given committee.

5) The general committee is the county committee

6) The receiving of favors for a vote is a crime it is the responsibility of the general committee to report to the authorities any crime whereas a vote has been exchanged for favors. Anyone caught receiving a favor for performing a duty shall be brought up before the entire general committee to discuss what action should be taken and follow the process of law for an elected official to be removed, see NYS Constitution Article XIII §5.

7) All Article 2 sub committees shall be abolished as soon as practical and memory of the Washington clause shall forever remain in these rules as in the 1909 NY Election Law §21 as freedoms gate keeper.

8) All meetings shall start with prayer (suggested prayer a psalm or part of a psalm or proverb) and the pledge.

9) All monies collected for the party will be sent to the State Committee for deposit into a general funds account. An annual accounting shall be posted on the official committeemen website within 30 days of the last state meeting of the year. The monies will be distributed as follows: (1) Funding of an informational and organizational web site the cost of which will be equally shared among all parties participating in this non-partisan effort. (2) Any and all expenses (including traveling expenses) incurred by and approved by the state committee. (3) All remaining monies will be distributed to each of the 62 General Committees (aka county) in proportion to their number of election districts. (4) All General Committees (aka county) shall give an annual accounting to the State Committee which shall be posted on the official committeemen website within 30 days of receiving the accounting. (5) Monies shall be used to pay expenses and to educate our communities in the committeeman process, and the constitution. Monies shall not be used for politicking.

10) Ramming votes through shall not be tolerated, the chairman is to pause before ruling and ask if there is any discussion.

11) Removing of an Officer - Any officer may be removed (Chairman, Co-chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, etc) at any time by a majority vote of the committee (quorum). All officers are elected by majority vote of the committee (quorum).

12) Recall which can be initiated, when sufficient voters sign a petition, has a history dating back to the ancient Athenian democracy. There exists nor can exist a New York statute preventing the peoples right for recall, the people posses this right and it is recorded as the 10th Amendment. The right of the people to elect and dismiss their representatives at their pleasure cannot be questioned by the legislators who serve at the pleasure of the People. Therefore it is the duty of the committeeman to unite and petition within their election districts for the removal of any elected official who defies the constitutional will of the People. A rule of thumb for recall is 12% of the votes cast in the last election being recalled, this is an easy task for the committeemen if we are united in a recall to bring our servant government into subjection.

13) The General Committee will make provisions for and take attendance for a course on the Constitution to be held whenever the General committee deems necessary, at minimum once a year. Colleges and High Schools are the ideal locations. Elected committeemen that have not taken these courses should be encouraged to come, it is their duty to understand our Common Law Heritage. The general committee shall open this event to the public but if seats are limited committeemen and potential committeemen shall receive first preference.

14) Committeeman website ... in a bi-partisan effort we will maintain a web site that will truly inform and educate all voters. The site will define all elective offices, site proper titles, and description of the office's responsibilities with detailed information as to appointments and their responsibilities. The site will report on all elections and post a 500 word essay written by the candidates along with a link to their website for further information on the candidate. The site will receive and post live information received by committeemen from the polls as the count is reported. This live procedure will be witnessed by a State committeeman of every party, and will be open to the public. This site will make available to the public all information gathered by the BOE's free of charge. Including party rules, NYSBOE policies and procedures, maps, walking lists, instructions on how to fill out a designating petition and proper titles.


1) All vacancies shall be filled by designating petitions as per election law §6-118

2) The election of the committeeman shall be as is the uniform law of the land at the midterm and presidential primary elections, for a two year term. As is congress, all committeeman positions are vacated after the midterm and presidential general election.

3) As per the NYS Constitution Article 1 Section 1 if there is no contest for a committeeman seat the candidate will be deemed elected without a primary election.

4) All committeeman vacancies shall be filled at the next primary election. The chairman of the general committee of each party shall file with the board of elections not later than two weeks before the first day on which designating petitions for a primary election may be signed, a statement of the party positions to be filled by such party at such primary election; Failure to file such statement shall not be construed as a prerequisite to filing designating petitions for such position. It is the duty of the County Chairman to post all available committeeman vacancies at Town Halls, the County BOE, committeemen website, colleges, the local newspapers and other public places.

5) No persons holding a title of nobility shall hold elective office as per the US Constitution Section 9. - No title of nobility ... no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state, (esquire is a title).

6) Each election district has one elected committeeman position.

7) Individuals may run for any election district within their town.

8) No committeeman shall hold another elective office while holding the elective office of Committeeman.

9) The office of committeeman begins on the 3rd of January after an even year election and ends on December 31st after an even year election. All vacant election district seats may be filled at the next primary election and the position may be occupied immediately, the general committee by popular vote may fill such vacant seats by appointment until the next election. Appointed committeemen may be removed at any time by popular vote of a quorum by the general committee.

10) An oath of office shall be taken at the first meeting after their election or appointment and administer by a Magistrate or a Judge and recorded in the minutes.

11) Prior to the taking of the oath the elected candidate is to declare publicly that they are a NYS citizen either natural born, jus soli or by naturalization.

12) Oath of Office - "I do solemnly swear that I will obey, support and defend the Constitution for the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God".

13) Committee Organizing - Each committeeman shall have a seat on 5 Committees with one vote: (1) General Committee, aka county committee, (2) Town Committee, (3) Assembly Committee, (4) State Senate Committee, (5) Congressional Committee; and each committee shall elect a chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasure and other officers as each committee might be necessary. All these committees shall be organized at the first General Committee meeting.

14) On the second Monday (or third Monday due to weather) of January after an even year election the general committee (aka county committee) is to meet for the reorganizing of the units and election of officers, the general assembly is to be held in the county seat.

15) On the forth Monday in January (or first Monday in February due to weather) after an even year election the state committee is to meet for reorganizing and the election of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasure and other officers that might be necessary, the state assembly is to be held in Albany.

16) All appointed committeeman are elected by the General Committee to fill a vacancy until the next election and shall have all the duties of an elected committeeman and a vote on each committee. The general Committee may vote at any time to remove an appointed committeeman.

17) An appointed committeeman can only be removed by a majority vote of the General Committee. An elected committee can only be removed by their constituents at a ballot box or for a criminal offence as prescribed by law.

18) If there are no elected committeemen in a county the State Committee shall appoint, by majority vote (quorum), party officers consisting of (1) Chairman, (2) Vice Chairman, (3) Secretary and (4) Treasurer; The appointed party officers shall appoint committeemen to fill vacancies in all election districts throughout the county. This appointed committee may only be removed by majority vote (quorum) of the State Committee.


1) A General Meeting may be called by the County Chairman or Co Chairman with a 5 day notice.

2) No vote of any committee shall be valid without a quorum.

3) Robert’s rules of order shall be used to maintain order at all meetings, Minutes will be taken and kept by the Secretary, the secretary shall take roll call at every meeting.

4) Meeting may be electronically recorded for the purpose of writing more accurate minutes, and destroyed within 120 days.

5) Minutes shall be read at the next meeting whereas all corrections or additions may be made and a consensus is met, after which it shall be signed by the secretary and the chairman and filed.

6) The secretary is to maintain all records, at the end of the (2 year) term records are to be archived at the County or State BOE.

7) The Treasurer shall maintain the checking account for the county common for all cities and towns and shall disperse funds as per the General Committees direction.

8) Like all US and State legislative bodies, proxy votes are repugnant and therefore not permitted under any circumstance.

9) All nominations of candidates for town offices shall be made at the primary preceding the election designating petition

10) Votes - No committee shall permit proxy votes under any circumstances. All votes shall be in public by show of hands, any member may move for a roll call, from the attendance sheet if the vote appears close.

11) All committeemen are equal, and no titled position, such as chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasure, etc., shall have any special privilege or authority above another.

12) The General Committee Chairman may appoint committeeman candidates to fill a vacant election district position, but the appointment must be approved by popular vote of the General Committee. The appointed candidate will fill all the committee positions related to his/her election district within their units of representation but will have no vote until (s)he completes an approved course on the Constitution.

13) All appointed committeemen must run for election at the next Primary Election.

14) The County Chairman, or any chairman, performs the role of ambassador and is expected to do the will of the full committee (s)he does not have the authority to act outside the will of the committee on any issue.

15) The party will not prepare or file designating petitions for the committeemen, the proper form and instructions will be posted on our web site, the general committee may hold a meeting to "assist and instruct" the filling out and filing of designating petitions.

16) If an elected official violates his/her oath of office and/or refuses to yield to the will of the people the General Committees may take a vote to "Recall" the elected official. A recall will require a two thirds vote of a quorum.

17) A listing of all the committeemen's address and phone numbers shall be listed on line and made searchable by election district for interested persons to contact their committeeman.

18) The following form will be signed and notarized by the candidate before petitions will be walked on their behalf (a printable form will be found at,).

19) Oath of Office (copy above) - I _____________________ running for the office of Committeeman "do solemnly swear that I will obey, support, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God".

 _____________________________                  _____________________________

 Candidate                                                            Secretary


1) Committeemen are clearly involved in the political process and in public are to maintain a constitutional posture and not a partisan one, we are not an association our purpose is to competently fill vacancies and not to sway public opinion. This will rightfully remove the politics out of the political process.

2) This Party has only one platform, that every committeeman has a duty to spread both publicly and privately, "The Constitution".

3) When a primary race is in effect this party is not to support one candidate over another, unless a candidate for office was rejected by the committee and walked their own designating petition, the party than has a duty to inform the people of their position and why they were rejected.

4) During the General Election or at any time this party is not to engage in any public partisan politics.

5) The committeeman's primary duties are to (1) Fill vacancies; (2) watch for unconstitutional legislation; (3) recall disobedient servants; (4) preside over the elections and document the counting of the vote; (5) assist people in their election districts with problems with bureaucrats and elected officials; (6) educate and inform the community.


1) Each General Committee shall organize a campaign to educate all the county residence of the committeeman process, the constitution, common law and its importance to the Republic.

2) Every poling site should be manned by at least one committeeman during the election. Arrangements should be made at the last meeting before the election between all the committeemen within the ward or town.

3) The General Committee has a duty to be active in an ongoing effort to educate and encourage participation by the people within their election districts of the committeeman process. And to visit local schools elementary through college to present and encourage participation in the committeeman process.

4) The committeemen should pass on to the children and their fellow citizens/patriots in their communities their duty to serve as a committeeman at least once in their life time. We should also encourage the participation of volunteers with the assisting of carrying petitions during the election season and to participate in party donation drives, and other creative ways to raise the consciousness of the people and their participation such as a booth at fairs, town picnics or festivals where a common law theme is encouraged.

5) The County Chairman of each county nominates the County BOE Commissioner, after the approval of the General committee and then approved by the county legislature.

6) Ballot counting - It is the responsibility of the committeemen to preside over We the Peoples elections. Each town committee shall schedule at least 1 committeeman at each polling location to watch the vote. At the closing of the poles the committeemen are to observe the inspectors and clerks counting of the votes. The committeemen shall be responsible for the recording of the results of the elections and confirmed by the inspectors with a signature and the committeeman's signature. A true copy of the election results shall be scanned and emailed to the General Committee Secretary who will then enter the results in a (state committee) provided spreadsheet which will be emailed to the State Committee Secretary. Original shall be delivered by hand or certified mail to the General Committee Secretary as soon as practical, and the General Committee Secretary shall file the results for one year, after which it shall be destroyed.

7) Choosing candidates for a Primary Election - It is the obligation of all committeemen to nominate for all positions as many “constitutionally” minded candidates in good standing in their communities, so that the people have a true choice of qualified candidates. Each committee will need to consider a maximum number of candidates on a case by case basis but the committee needs to realize that there must be some reasonable limit.

8) It is incumbent upon the committeemen to respond to the people's complaints against elected officials or bureaucrats that are in violation of the rights of the people, if the complaint is valid and cannot be remedied it should be brought before the proper committee (town, county or state) for discussion and remedy.

9) It is the duty of a committeeman to seek out and vote for only constitutionally minded candidates.

10) A committee may impose term limits upon any candidate that has served 8 years in an elected position by simply not supporting them with the carrying of their designating petitions.

11) A committeeman may refuse to carry a petition for a candidate that (s)he may have a conscientious objection for so doing. And therefore if enough committeemen object to the carrying of any particular candidate and there is not enough committeemen to secure the necessary signatures then we must accept that the people have spoken.

12) Our representatives are not to exercise rule over the people they are to exercise the Constitution, we are a government of the people which is accomplished by the keeping of the laws of the people namely the Constitution, if a candidate is ignorant to the Constitution (s)he cannot be the instrument of the people.

13) It is the duty of every Committeeman to complete to take the following three Courses found at (1) Government by Consent Course (2) Civics Course (3) Constitution Course, if a committeeman is not familiar with the Constitution how can he know if the candidates he/she is voting for is knowledgeable of the same.

14) It is the duty of every committeeman to attend all meetings and to faithfully represent their constituents by providing Constitutional candidates.

15) The committeemen must act with the highest integrity and expect the same by the elected officials and only then will we have a honest governing body in Washington and Albany.

16) An active committeeman process in every community is the only way the people can preserve the Republic and exercise their unalienable right of consent of the political process.


1) The State committee will put the board of elections on notice of the committeeman’s intentions to witness the counting of the paper ballot vote at the primary elections and work together with the Democrats to observe the counting of the vote at the general election. The state committee will file such notice allowing 5 days for the BOE to acknowledge their intent to cooperate and accept our procedure. If the Board of Election does not respond within 5 days, the State Committee will file in Albany with the Supreme Court an “order to show cause” to force cooperation.

2) The State Committee will adopt the 1909 rules and procedures for counting the vote and give written detailed instructions to all committeemen on the procedure to be use for the counting of the vote and will become part of our party rules.

3) The State Committee will deliver to the board of elections the written detailed instructions to be used for the counting of the vote, so that they may instruct their people.


1) The General Committee Chairman is also a State Committeeman and the 62 State committeemen shall elect a State Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasure and other officers that might be necessary.

2) The State Committee secretary shall deliver to the NYS Board of Elections a certified copy of the State Committee Rules to be made available to the public "immediately" upon request.

3) This committee is the face of the party in the state and is made up of all 62 General Committee Chairmen.

4) If a General Committee Chairman is unable to attend a state meeting any member of the General Committee may be chosen to attend in his/her absence with the power to vote. It is imperative that we strive for 100% attendance for all state meetings and that all counties be represented.

5) The State Committee shall meet in Albany and will decide at the end of each meeting when they will convene next, the state committee may also meet on the web to discuss business, but all votes must be done in person, in Albany.

6) A State meeting may be called by the State Chairman or Co-Chairman with at least a 14 day notice that will be given by email, fax and letter.

7) This committee is responsible for interviewing and selecting candidates on the state level for the primary election it is the duty of this committee to offer to the people qualified candidates to choose from and for reminding all candidates that they are to obey the Constitution and the will of the people. All candidates interviewed by the state committee (Governor and two US Senators) shall be video-taped and shared in the 62 General Committees where a discussion and a vote can be taken by the committees and the County Chairman are then bound to carry the said vote to the State Committee and is obligated to vote the will of their General Committee.

8) The State Committee is responsible for the planning of the state convention.

9) The members of the state committee answers to its respective general committee and can only be removed by popular vote of the general committee when a quorum is present. Each member is responsible for communicating to their respective general committee as to the decision making on the state level.

10) Officers of the state committee may be removed at any time by majority vote of the said committee when a quorum is present.


1) The general committee is the county committee and is made up of all elected committeemen from election districts within the county.

2) The county committee is the face of the party in the county and is made up of all elected committee men from election districts within the county.

3) The general committee shall form at the first general meeting in January and shall plan a schedule for meetings.

4) This committee is responsible for interviewing and selecting candidates on the county level for the primary election it is the duty of this committee to offer to the people qualified candidates to choose from and for reminding all candidates that they are to obey the Constitution and the will of the people.

5) This committee must organize the petition drives necessary to collect the required signatures to place the candidates on the ballot and deliver to the candidate with at least one week time for the candidates to file said petitions with the BOE. It is the duty of every Committeeman to walk their districts to achieve the necessary signatures to secure the candidates designating petitions.


1) This committee is made up of all elected committeemen from election districts within this town district.

2) The town committee shall form at the first general meeting and shall choose a date for their first meeting and a backup date in the case of bad weather. The Town Committee will decide at the end of each meeting when they will convene next.

3) This committee is responsible for interviewing and selecting candidates on the town level for the primary election it is the duty of this committee to offer to the people qualified candidates to choose from and for reminding all candidates that they are to obey the Constitution and the will of the people.

4) The town committee is responsible for organizing the watching the vote and overseeing all elections. This committee shall meet two week before the Primary or General election to plan for the manning of the polling places, there must be at least one Committeeman on the premises while the polls are open. All committeemen shall be at their polling places ½ hour before the counting of the votes and shall witness the counting of the votes. The counting of any votes in secrete shall never be tolerated and it is our duty to protest relentlessly until the witnessing of the counting of the votes are satisfied. If there is any resistance the county chairman shall be available for notification and legal instruments shall be applied.

5) This committee must organize the petition drives necessary to collect the required signatures to place the candidates on the ballot and deliver to the candidate with at least one week time for the candidates to file said petitions with the BOE. It is the duty of every Committeeman to walk their districts to achieve the necessary signatures to secure the candidates designating petitions.


1) This committee is made up of all elected committeemen from election districts within this senatorial district. The Senate district committee is to be formed at the first General committee for organizing and planning to meet in time to interview all candidates for the next NYS Senatorial election in their district and needs to meet as many times as necessary in order to interview and select candidates, once every two years. This committee must also organize the petition drives necessary to collect the required signatures to place the candidates on the ballot and deliver to the candidate with at least one week time for the candidates to file said petitions with the BOE. It is the duty of every Committeeman to walk their districts to achieve the necessary signatures to secure the candidates designating petitions.

2) This committee is responsible for interviewing and selecting candidates on the senate district level for the primary election it is the duty of this committee to offer to the people qualified candidates to choose from and for reminding all candidates that they are to obey the Constitution and the will of the people.


1) This committee is made up of all elected committee men from election districts within this assembly district. The assembly district committee is to be formed at the first General committee for organizing and planning to meet in time to interview all candidates for the next assembly election in their district and need to meet as many times as necessary in order to interview and select candidates, once every two years. This committee must also organize the petition drives necessary to collect the required signatures to place the candidates on the ballot and deliver to the candidate with at least one week time for the candidates to file said petitions with the BOE. It is the duty of every Committeeman to walk their districts to achieve the necessary signatures to secure the candidates designating petitions.

2) This committee is responsible for interviewing and selecting candidates on the assembly district level for the primary election it is the duty of this committee to offer to the people qualified candidates to choose from and for reminding all candidates that they are to obey the Constitution and the will of the people.


1) This committee is made up of all elected committee men from election districts within this congressional district. The congressional district committee is to be formed at the first General committee for organizing and planning to meet in time to interview all candidates for the next US congressional election in their district and need to meet as many times as necessary in order to interview and select candidates, once every two years. This committee must also organize the petition drives necessary to collect the required signatures to place the candidates on the ballot and deliver to the candidate with at least one week time for the candidates to file said petitions with the BOE. It is the duty of every Committeeman to walk their districts to achieve the necessary signatures to secure the candidates designating petitions.

2) This committee is responsible for interviewing and selecting candidates on the congressional district level for the primary election it is the duty of this committee to offer to the people qualified candidates to choose from and for reminding all candidates that they are to obey the Constitution and the will of the people.

The above Your State _____________ Party rules were adopted at a conference on June 2nd 2012. Whereas all elected committeemen of the State were present and voted unanimously to pass the above rules:

I _____________________ Secretary for the New York State ___________ Party Committee do swear and certify that on June 2nd 2012 that the foregoing rules were agreed upon unanimously and attended by all elected Committeemen in New York and that the fore going is an accurate true copy of the agreed upon rules and that I also witnessed the signatures above as their presence and witness to said party rules.

x _______________________________________


In _________ State, __________ County, on this ___ day of _________, 20__, before me, ____________________, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared ___________________, to me known to be the living (wo)man described herein, who executed the forgoing instrument, and has sworn before me that he/she executed the same as his/her free-will act and deed.


(Notary seal)                                                                           Notary


My commission expires: ____________________


The General Committee [aka the County Committee]

1) These are the county rules for all committees, additional committee rules may be made by each committee as seen fit by the committees but no rule shall be made in contradiction to state rules all such rules will be null and void. A copy of these rules shall be certified and filed with the County BOE and to be made available to the public, copies of which will be posted on our official web site,

2) It is the responsibility of the County Secretary to make sure that a copy of these rules, state rules, and a pocket constitution are handed out to each committeeman at the second meeting of the new committeemen.

3) A quorum is a majority of the elected county committee

4) These rules may be amended at any time by popular vote when a quorum is present.

5) This committee shall meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month to discuss appropriate business and fund raising for the state and county committees. If the 2nd Tuesday of the month falls on a holiday or is cancelled due to weather they shall meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. This date may be changed by the county committee by popular vote at any time; if the executive members of the committee deem it necessary not to meet monthly they can set the time and date for the next meeting at the closing of the meeting.

6) Minutes will be taken and kept by the Secretary, the secretary shall take roll call at every meeting.

7) Minutes shall be read at the next meeting whereas all corrections or additions may be made and a consensus is met, after which it shall be signed by the secretary and the chairman and filed.

8) Votes - No committee shall permit proxy votes under any circumstances. All votes shall be in public by the showing of hands or by roll call from the attendance sheet, at the request of any member, each Committeeman has one vote.

9) The County Committee secretary shall deliver to the NYS Board of Elections a certified copy of the County Committee Rules to be made available to the public "immediately" upon request.

10) Committee Organizing; Each committeeman belongs to 5 Committees (1) general [county committee], (2) town committee, (3) assembly committee, (4) state senate committee, (5) congressional committee; and each committee shall elect a chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasure and other officers as each committee might be deemed necessary.

11) The county chairman is also a state committeeman; there are 62 state chairmen all of which shall represent their county in the choice for Governor and choice of two US Senators. The county chairmen shall carry the will of the county committeemen to the state level vote for governor and senators, primaries.

12) This committee is the face of the party in the county and is made up of all elected committee men from election districts within the county.

13) In compliance with NYS rules all article 2 sub committees are unconstitutional and shall be abolished as soon as practical and memory of the Washington clause shall forever remain in these rules as in the law and all 62 county rules as freedoms gate keeper.

George Washington clause –§21 “No organization or association of citizens for the election of city [town or village] officers [town committeemen] shall be deemed a political party …”

14) A General Meeting may be called by the County Chairman or Co Chairman with a 5 day notice.

15) This committee is responsible for interviewing and selecting candidates on the county level for the primary election it is the duty of this committee to offer to the people qualified candidates to choose from and for reminding all candidates that they are to obey the Constitution and the will of the people.

16) The County Committee may appoint potential candidates to fill a vacant election district position, the candidate will fill all the committee positions related to his/her election district within their units of representation but will have no vote until he/she completes an approved course on the Constitution.

17) All nominations for all town offices may be by caucus or by primary election at the discretion of the county committee, where the population is over 750,000 nominations shall be by primary election.

18) The purpose of party rules is to organize and bring order to the committee and not to impose power or control. For committeeman election, reorganizing, procedures, party politics, duties and primary and general vote counting see party state rules.

The above party rules were adopted at the first general meeting, by popular vote of a quorum, on _________________ 20__

County Chairman ______________________          Co-Chairman ______________________

Treasurer ______________________          

I _______________ Secretary for the _______________ Party County of __________________ Committee do swear and certify that on __________ ___ 20___ that the foregoing rules were agreed upon unanimously/super majority by a quorum and that the fore going is an accurate true copy of the agreed upon rules and that I also witnessed the signatures above as their presence and witness to said rules.

Secretary ____________________________


In _________ State, __________ County, on this ___ day of _________, 20__, before me, ____________________, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared ___________________, to me known to be the living (wo)man described herein, who executed the forgoing instrument, and has sworn before me that he/she executed the same as his/her free-will act and deed.


(Notary seal)                                                                           Notary


My commission expires: ____________________



“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.” - Declaration of Independence

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” - Preamble to the United States Constitution

“If anyone has been dispossessed without the legal judgment of his peers, from his lands, castles, franchises, or from his right, we will immediately restore them to him; and if a dispute arise over this, then let it be decided by the five and twenty Jurors of whom mention is made below in the clause for securing the peace. Moreover, for all those possessions, from which anyone has, without the lawful judgment of his peers, been disseized or removed, by our elected or appointed servants, we will immediately grant full justice therein.” Magna Carter 52

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury” Bill of Rights Amendment V

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Bill of Rights Amendment X


The purpose of the County Committee is primarily humanitarian, protect defend and support the Constitution for the United States of America and to assist the Jury Administrators in securing the rights of the people during troubling times.

The County Committee, historically speaking, empowered the people at the grass roots to return control of their local government to the People. The independent grass roots County Committee and the independent grassroots County Common Law Grand Administrations are part of a National plan by the People to take back their government.

The Common Law Grand Jury is working in the Federal Courts exposing the enemies of Liberty both foreign and domestic in an effort to collapse their wall of resistance and take back our Judiciary. The County Committees are needed to fill the power vacuum, created by the draining of the swamp, with “the People” and thereby taking back control of our political process at the grassroots level. Both the County Committee and the County Grand Jury Administrations is the process by which We the People consent to government, it is our unalienable right.

In 1774, the various Committees of Safety that in 1789 morphed into the Committeeman, called for the First Continental Congress. Delegates to that Congress went from town, to county, to Provincial level Committees, before being selected to go to Philadelphia. In Western Massachusetts, Committees of Safety forced the resignations of rouge judges appointed under the Massachusetts Government Act (1774).

The “Committee of Safety” is the method that our founding fathers used to take control of their local governments. These Committees of Safety built the nation we inherited and now losing to tyrants today. We the People through the true elected Committeeman at the Grass Roots will take control of our local, state and federal governments by simply requiring them to obey the “Supreme Law of the Land” and thereby perform their Constitutional duties.


The goal of the Committeeman is to maintain safety in the community by requiring our servants in government to obey the Constitution and the Constitutional Chain of Command during times of peace and during a National Emergency, whereas the Peoples’ Bill of Rights will be protected and secured by our only Elected Constitutional Law Enforcer, the County Sheriff.

FEMA has engaged a national "readiness exercise" under the code name of REX 84 which called for the suspension of the Constitution and the turning of complete control of all local governments over to FEMA while using UN troops to keep law and order during a National Emergency. FEMA's plan leaves out the most important part of rebuilding America, We the People and a Free and Independent Local Government! The end-results of REX 84 is a NWO America without our 1789 Constitution. We the People through the County Committees will prevent this by informing and educating our elected and appointed servants within our local governments. Our government is still intact; it’s just shrouded by the veil of corporatism.


The County Committee has Four Objectives:

1) Nominating Constitutional candidates onto the ballot to fill political vacancies.

2) Monitoring the elections to ensure fair elections.

3) Insure community preparedness concerning chain of command during a local or national emergency.

4) During a local or national emergency if there is no Jury administration the committee of safety is to oversee and insure that all positions of power treat people with compassion and that rights are not violated.

5) During a national emergency the County Committee is responsible for assisting the settling of displaced people.

6) The County Committee is responsible for the safety of all people within their county.


Each County Committee should seek out at least one HAM Radio operator. HAM operators become so because they are already in it for emergency preparedness so they should be easily approachable with our plan.

We the People of [Your] State [Your] County Committee on __________ ____, 20__ through adopt this Charter.




Chairman: __________________________

Co Chairman: __________________________


Secretary: __________________________


Treasure: __________________________


Chairman of Correspondence: _______________________

Approaching Local Government with a:


The purpose of the following plan is to create uniformity in order to achieve a “Viable National Plan” to preserve, protect and restore our American way of life: Each county will need to decide for themselves the details on how they can proceed in the keeping of the following uniform plan which is their duty as a compassionate and sensible People to prepare for. This plan should be the Committee of Safety’s first order of business after electing a board. Next, meet with the Sheriff and then with town boards to discuss the plan. A copy of this plan should be distributed after every Committee of Safety presentation.

If you google “Your State Your County Emergency Preparedness Plan” you will find that your county is prepared for the following emergencies:

1) Storms

2) Floods

3) Power Outages

4) Public Health Emergencies

Local governments are not prepared for some national emergencies which have been intentionally left to FEMA and Homeland Security, such as a monetary collapse which will take “ALL CONTROL” away from local governments and therefore the People. In such an emergency, the electrical grid will go down, normal communications will cease, the movement of all products will come to a halt, there will be food and water shortages and chaos will rule the streets. People will be dying on a biblical scale unless We the People take control through our local governments. The federal government cannot manage this type of an emergency without controlling the People by force at the “end of a barrel of a gun” (Mao), therein, their need for “foreign troops” on American soil.

FEMA’s plans for these types of Emergencies are as documented below:

1) Presidential Directive Number 54 signed by President Reagan in April 1984 provided for FEMA to engage in a secret national "readiness exercise" under the code name of REX 84. The plan called for the suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the government over to FEMA, appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and the declaration of Martial Law. The plan also advocated the rounding up and transferring to "assembly centers or relocation camps" of at least 21 million Americans in the event of massive rioting or disorder.

2) Executive Order #10995: Seizure of all communications media in the United States.

3) Executive Order #10997: Seizure of all electric power, fuels and minerals, public and private.

4) Executive Order #10999: Seizure of all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control of highways, seaports and waterways.

5) Executive Order #11000: Seizure of all American people for work forces under federal supervision including the splitting-up of families if the government finds it necessary.

6) Executive Order #11001: Seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, public and private.

7) Executive Order #11002: Empowered the postmaster general to register all men, women and children in the United States.

8) Executive Order #11003: Seizure of all airports and aircraft.

9) Executive Order #11004: Seizure of all housing and financial authorities to establish forced relocation since designated areas will be abandoned as "unsafe".

10) Executive Order #11005: Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, public and private.

11) Executive Order #12919: Signed June 3, 1994, by President Clinton encompasses all the above executive orders.

12) On March 16, 2012 President Obama signed Executive Order 13603, calling for National Defense Resources Preparedness, which puts our nation in a permanent state of martial law that only needs to be activated by the President, whenever (s)he should choose to do so.

In order for the federal government to maintain control of a free People, they would need to govern with an iron fist and use foreign troops to do so. The question that demands an answer is, why doesn’t the federal government work with local authorities creating a plan that utilizes America’s most precious resource “We the People” to take control and maintain law and order? Neighborly compassion will not be part of their initiative. Tyrants and foreign enemies will take advantage of our weakness, and America as we know it will be lost. America will be unrecognizable and unalienable rights will be lost forever because the nature of an unchecked government is “once it exercises power, it never peacefully relinquishes that power back to the People”.

We the People are not helpless. Common sense dictates that the People take control of their own lives and defend their own communities. Any plan that takes that power from the People is a destructive and devious plan, and certainly not American. Therefore, “We the People” through the “County Committees” across America need to prepare an outlined plan that works with our local governments that already have all the necessary local emergency preparedness services in place along with virtually all the manpower necessary to achieve compassionate control of our communities namely, We the People!

We the People through the “County Committees” can and will maintain compassionate law and order thousands of times better than any foreign troops could. The last thing we need or will tolerate is being ruled over by foreigners. We the People will only permit governing by our consent.

Through the creation of “County Committees”, controlled by grassroots in all 3133 counties across America, We the People are methodically mobilizing for the likeliness of a “monetary collapse” in order to bring America, under the Constitution for the United States of America, back on its feet as swiftly as possible and with minimum injury of the unalienable rights of We the People, something the federal government can never achieve.

People living in towns and villages will be able to survive on the resources within their counties if properly planned for and managed. Considering that all counties are organizing “County Committees” (which will sustain humanitarian mindfulness), bartering between the counties can and will occur quickly and food, water, electric, medical supplies and fuel can be comfortably rationed out levelheadedly as we the People diligently work together to restore and protect America according to the emergency.

The biggest problem America faces in such an emergency is in the cities. It is logically presumed that most people will leave the cities in search of food, water and shelter and therefore “County Committees” working with their local governments need to prepare for the receiving of these people. This will prevent chaos from ruling our highways and byways.

America has 18,443 towns and 297 cities. According to the 2016 censes estimates there are 323.7 million people in America and 90,492,150 of them live in American cities, that’s a ratio of about 2.5:1. Many city people will go to friends and relatives in these towns. Some will remain in the cities as they work through their local challenges.

Therefore, a reasonable ratio might be 8:1 meaning that each town will need to prepare for a 20% temporary increase in their population. As towns reach whatever quota they believe they can handle “County Committees” can develop plans for transporting the overflow of People to other towns whose humanitarian duties are the same. Therefore, each town will need to prepare emergency shelter using vacant housing, motels, auditoriums, churches and etc. There is no reason for turning away People and thereby causing people to act desperately to survive, when we can help each other.

The following is a framework that every Committee of Safety once formed needs to develop and act upon quickly along with the creation of a (sub) Committee of Correspondence necessary for the communications and cooperation between counties and states necessary for the success of our survival physically, morally and nationally as a Common Law Republic.

FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS - Begin by choosing groups in your area that you feel may be interested in becoming Committeemen. These might include liberty groups, veterans groups with benefit issues, school groups that may be concerned with the current taxes or curriculum, e.g. Common Core, and groups that have a wide base in the community such a firemen etc.

Contact members in these groups to get a minimum of 6 people committed to as many as are willing to participate for a gathering at a convenient location and date.

If you only expect a few people, you might have them gather in your home, firehouse, or other public building. If you expect a larger number of people, public libraries normally have a conference room available and usually have a projector and possibly speakers that you can use with a laptop computer.

SECOND - Define the purpose of the Committeeman as needed in your community; this will vary in each community.

THIRD - Discuss the following issues establishing a friendly and positive relationship with the County Sheriff and local government and make resolutions. [Add new issues after establishing the following first. Do not address any concerns like Agenda 21, Common Core, etc. with local governments until you develop a positive relationship first.]

FORTH - Meet with Sheriff and discuss with him that We the People have reinstituted the elected “Committeeman” because we are concerned with local government adherence to the Constitution thus making sure that our county and town governments are prepared for a national disaster and that we are approaching it constitutionally. Remember as Committeemen to whom the Sheriff owes his job to, our agenda will not be refused.

FIFTH - Meet with the County Militia and make plans to partnership with them in an emergency.

Give the Sheriff a copy of the book “Consent of Government” which can be purchased at

Assure the Sheriff that we know that our county has professional emergency services such as town fire departments and rescue teams; town, city and state police departments and most importantly a County Sheriff who is the “Chief Administrator and Law Enforcer” of his county. The county and towns have well planned protocols and integrated communications in place to deal with disasters such as storms, power outages, floods, public health emergencies, aviation disasters and chemical and biological emergencies. Therefore, we are not planning to reinvent the wheel or interfere with their professional decisions and protocols. We in fact completely and totally trust and support their expertise and competence.

The one thing that We the People are concerned about that has not yet been addressed, is the “Constitutional Chain of Command” during a “National Disaster” such as a “Monetary Collapse”. This issue cannot wait until a disaster occurs and no viable plan concerning a lawful Constitutional Chain of Command is in effect.

For whatever reason the federal government has plans to “un-constitutionally” seize control of local governments and establish martial law [as unconstitutional presidential directives addressed above makes clear] which will not prevent anarchy, but fuel it. As addressed earlier FEMA engaged a national "readiness exercise" under the code name of REX 84 which called for the suspension of the Constitution and turning complete control of all local governments over to FEMA while using UN troops to keep law and order and not We the People. There exists “NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY” for the federal government to suspend the constitution, seize control of State and local governments and turn over control to the “military” under martial law.

Amendment X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

The Constitution provides for the People under local government control to maintain law and order under posse comitatus. The People need to work under the authority of local government to compassionately help their neighbors in times of crisis. If the federal government wants to help by sending aid we will accept it.

NEW YORK STATE CONSTITUTION ARTICLE XII [Defense; militia] Section 1 The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Posse Comitatus Act (1878) - Posse comitatus means "the power or force of the county." The term refers to a doctrine of ancient English common law authorizing a sheriff to summon the assistance of the able-bodied male population above the age of 15. These appointed special deputies would aid the sheriff in keeping the peace, executing writs, quelling riots, capturing felons, and otherwise enforcing the laws. Unlike the organized militia, a posse was usually gathered as needed. The practice continued in the United States, as the posse became necessary in American colonial and frontier tradition.

America has 18,443 towns and 297 cities with an estimated 323.7 million people; the federal government cannot possibly compassionately help all of We the People. All Americans “NEED” to come together and work together this is the way of a free and moral People. We the People will “NOT” go to FEMA camps, we will remain in our communities and work with our local Sheriff and local government authorities to help and care for our family, friends and neighbors as we return stability to our communities.

SIXTH - Meet with our local Town and City Boards to address the same issues we shared with our Sheriff.


WHEREAS: An emergency that would cause chaos in our Counties such as a monetary collapse or other national disruption [herein after called national disaster] and thereby “Law and Order” would need to be reestablished and our community would need protection from would-be tyrants, criminals, roaming gangs, etc.; the securing of our Liberties, our Constitution and the guarantee of our Republic requires that every county have a Chief Executive and Administrative Officer. Our Common Law Constitution has already established such a Chief Executive and Administrative Officer. We the People being a lawful People will require the obedience of all elected and appointed servants to serve and obey the Law of the Land.

The United States Supreme Court said: “The Sheriff is the “Chief Executive and Administrative Officer” of a county chosen by popular election. … He is also the chief conservator of the peace within his territorial jurisdiction.” Harston v. Langston, Tex.Civ. App., 292 S.W. 648, 650. (emphasis added)

During a National Disaster concerning Law and Order it is:


1) All city, town, village and state police are subservient to the Sheriff.

2) The County Sheriff is to notify all police enforcement operating within his jurisdiction that he is taking 100% control of the security of the County and all police enforcements are to report to the Sheriff as to the Sheriffs protocol(s).

3) The County Sheriff is to exercise “Posse Comitatus” during an emergency as he deems necessary.

4) The County Sheriff is not to share or relinquish said control with any federal or state agency.

5) Etc…

During a National Disaster concerning Local Government it is:


1) Local Government is the closest to the people and the most capable to respond to and serve the People during a national disaster and therefore, Local Government control shall not be relinquished to any state or federal authorities. We the People working through our local government are the authority and understand the needs of the People.

2) Etc…

During a National Disaster concerning emergency services it is:


1) Emergency services During a National Disaster are to proceed according to existing protocols.

2) When necessary additional volunteers can be trained to handle projected emergencies During a National Disaster.

During a National Disaster concerning Due Process it is:


1) The Fifth Amendment common law grand jury shall continue to operate and consider indictments concerning all criminal charges.

2) The Sixth Amendment common law trial by jury shall continue to operate.

3) Etc…

During a National Disaster concerning Work Forces and Community Relations it is:


1) Each town is to provide for the receiving of the People for the filling of voluntary work positions with town, county and local businesses in order to provide, water, food, services, electricity, security etc.

2) All able bodied people are to participate, simply put; if you don’t work you don’t eat.

3) Each Town is to have weekly town meetings at venues large enough to accommodate all the People (outside venues if necessary) in order to communicate to the People the state of the town and county and discuss openly problems and solutions.

4) Etc…

During a National Disaster concerning ?????? it is:


1) Etc…

George Washington clause – NYS Election Law §21: No organization or association of citizens for the election of city [town or village] officers [town committeemen] shall be deemed a political party …