is amybody out there?

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is amybody out there?

I like the NLa papers but am "completely" isolated excpety on MOnday night calls and there I'm a nonentity. I believe in my right to a voice. as far as NLA goes since there are only "51 members" and 105 counties in Kansas. Can we get Kansas going? People I met thro NLa have dropped out. I believe in the papers and continue to support. I have not received much positive response from the national headquarters nor encouragement. do they want some of us to stay isolated they seem courteous on the conference calls. I will question. Seems like even if they are doing good work there is too much to do with so few working. I would like local interest to increase; total apathy does not seem a "normal" or moral reaction to abuse of human rights and "bullying" by the courts. Don't the people see it?? I have experienced formidable and deliberate persistent abuse of my rights. People watch while peoples rights are "bludgeoned" by abusive power. This might not post; it stated "submissions are closed" does that mean this will not post. Why Is Kansas closed?? Please answer if you can