Calling all members of Coconino County

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Calling all members of Coconino County

"It is what it is" due to those who choose to be ignorant of the remedy... "just sayin'" It's time to Rise and Shine and give God your Glory for Every Souls Existence on Earth is the Opportunity for Duty. A Duty to Create Heaven on Earth, for Every Creation of Life.
We all know somethings, or everything is not right, we've all felt "I'm only one person, what could I truly change". Unfortunately we're right, it's going to take We the People all the People to participate to succeed in event of disaster, emergency, shortage or  to re evaluate our education values and curriculum, provide the community with local organic foods, prevent voting fraud and corrupt politicians. We need to unite as the foundation before we loose any structure in order to avoid extra chaos, we must unite to support, provide and defend with and for our neighbors and community's and learn how to lawfully secure our Rights and Liberty before panic.
"It is what it is" only if you continue to do nothing and it won't get better... "just sayin'"
Intention is Everything
Everything is Energy
BE Light BE Love