Court Observer Form sample at

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Court Observer Form sample at

There's a 3 pg. form available at that may be useful. You need to sign up as a member to access the "Instant Affidavit, criminal complaint, federal court" form. There are lots of great info. and templates there are also. This form cannot be properly copied/paste here as it contains check boxes and is offline , but here's part of it to give you an idea:

Last revised: 8-7-2013
1. PURPOSE:Use this form during a federal court hearing or trial in which you expect a judge, federal attorney, or bailiff to commit criminal activity in the courtroom. It can be used against judges, attorneys, and bailiffs who are committing criminal violations against those who expecially are litigating against the government.
2. INTENDED AUDIENCE: Plaintiff or Defendant or Respondent, Witnesses
3.1. The most effective use of this form is by a third party witness sitting in the audience. That witness should be trained to recognize the crimes indicated on this form prior to participation as a witness.
3.2. Come to the courtroom with 3 or more preprinted forms printed on double sided paper and prestapled. Each form you submit will be submitted in duplicate so that it becomes a second original that the submitter can keep.
3.3. When you get to the courtroom, fill in the case number, location, etc.
3.4. Observe the conduct within the courtroom.
3.5. When a criminal violation occurs, complete the rest of the form in duplicate.
3.6. Submit the form:
3.6.1. LITIGANT: Submit to the clerk of the court in your courtroom and have them stamp both copies. Alternatively, submit during a recess.
3.6.2. WITNESS: Leave the courtroom and file with the clerk at the front desk. have them stamp both copies
3.7. If the form was submitted to the court clerk at the front desk of the courthouse by a witness, then the clerk at the front desk will likely enter the courtroom shortly thereafter and hand the document you submitted to the clerk and/or judge.

Verified Criminal Complaint and Affidavit of Facts:
Federal Court Officer
I, a Lawful Man or Woman over the age of majority, and having first hand knowledge of the facts recited herein, hereby timely state that I witnessed the Target Public Employee commit acts which I believe constitute crimes on the date, at the time, in the location, related to the Case number (#), and as further set forth in statements below. This document constitutes my Affidavit of Probable Causefor said crimes. I hereby certify my statements herein as a materially true, factual, accurate, complete, good-faith recital of facts, determined to the best of my knowledge and belief, and made with no intent of improper purpose such as to mislead, intimidate, harass, cause unnecessary delay, or increase litigation cost.
Case # ____________________ Date: _________________ Time: ________ AM PM Floor: _________ Room: ________
Target Public Employee Name ____________________Role: _____________________________ Badge # ______________
Victim name:______________________________________________________________________________________
I believe the Judge/Attorney violated the following United States Code. See supporting narrative marked “Description of Crime(s) (Block 43)”

43. Description of crime(s):_______________________________________________________________

Affiant says nothing further. Signed and sealed with all rights reserved.
_____________________________________ _____________________________ __________
Affiant Name Affiant Signature with All Rights Reserved Date
Affiant’s Mailing Address
By my signature I certify that Affiant has signed and sealed this document which I believe Affiant understood.
_____________________________________ _____________________________ __________
First Witness Name Witness Signature with All Rights Reserved Date
First Witness’s Mailing Address
_____________________________________ _____________________________ __________
Second Witness Name Witness Signature with All Rights Reserved Date
Second Witness’s Mailing Address
- - - - - Jurat - - - - -
STATE OF ________________________
COUNTY OF ________________________

Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me on ___ (day) ___________ (month), ______ (year) by the Affiant identified above,  personally known, or produced identification of type ____________________.
(Seal) Notary Signature ________________________________________________
Notary Name ___________________________________________________

SEU9D9's picture

Copied this could not find the form on

gypsieme's picture

It's called: InstantAffidavit, criminal complaint-FederalCourt-20130807 on