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Liberty One
Liberty One's picture
Here is a promotion I created for anyone to use

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Liberty One
Liberty One's picture

A promotional tool for all to use.

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help with civics course trial by jury chapter 8 the answers are correct i have cleared cookies i have e mailed kathy 3 times is there some way past this question????

tundra4x4man's picture

Win every court case...challenge Jurisdiction! Trowbridge found this out too late.

In a nutshell, a man in Texas, named John Parks Trowbridge, Jr., had an IRS tax case. His ranch had a lien placed on it. He went through the court system all the way to the supreme court. What he found out is that the federal and US district courts, both criminal and civil, have no jurisdiction outside of DC and the Territories (Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, etc.).

How he did this was in the following manner: He petitioned the court to prove jurisdiction, and the judges did not respond. Basically they were pleading the 5th by not responding. He took this case to the supreme court twice, and they refused to hear the case both times. For any of these judges to respond, would prove fraud on their part because they know they cannot prove jurisdiction. This would amount to a death sentence for them for treason to the Constitution.

The reason this fraud has gone on so long is that when the US incorporated itself, congress changed the meaning of the word "state" in the laws . So when "state" is used now, to them, it means United States, Incorporated, making you a resident of DC. Since no one in the general public is aware of this, when we use the word "state", we mean Alabama, Minnesota, etc. However, because we don't know this and proceed to do business with the feds we are consenting to being a resident of Washington, DC.

The key here is that, according to a supreme court case that he located and presented to the court, you cannot reside in two places at once. You cannot live in both your town in a state and also live in DC at the same time and the feds cannot treat you as such (as long as you make them aware that you know this secret). So you must never use the word "state" in written documents or verbally with the feds or they have you trapped. As long as you let them know that you know, they will never continue a case, because to do so would let the cat out of the bag, and the public would be informed of the enormous fraud.

Can you imagine the impact this would have on our county? How many people would no longer have to pay taxes to support the federal reserve bankers? How many people would be let out of prison? How much property would have to be returned to the people? How angry would the American public be for the fraud perpetrated on them their entire lives?

This information needs to spread far and wide. How fast can we take back our country? As fast as this information can be circulated throughout this country.

Supreme Court Petition Documents Jurisdictional Fraud Among Federal Judges (May 28, 2015)

Anton B
Anton B's picture

Excellent info. Also, all usage of the word 'State" , "This State" , "The State Of____" must be interpreted to mean one of the 57 Federal enclaves, ( after the civil war that is); this includes most of the Statutory so call "State" laws. For example "The State Of Virginia" is not the common wealth of Virginia a state of the Union but rather a State of the Federal US such as Guam and D.C. ..... John Parks Trowbridge, Jr, great job challenging Jurisdiction!!!! The truth will you set you free. We owe him a debt of gratitude. Thanks again for the info.

mkphillips's picture

Mon. night call not posted. Anyone know why?

TheCountess's picture

Nevada Federal Grand Jury Indicts Cliven Bundy and Four Others for Leading 2014 Standoff

PatAZMaricopa's picture

Harry Reid owns 93 acres next to the Bundy Ranch as shown here:

Wolfenscot's picture

So since Reid is in the Government does he really own that property or does the BLM? I wonder if he has been billed with any bogus charges?
Somehow I doubt it!