Let's each state pledge $250-$300

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Sheila B
Sheila B's picture
Let's each state pledge $250-$300

Greetings Fellow Americans,
I am asking that each state ask it's members to pledge what they are able to help gather the funds so the New York team can get those letters in the mail to all the Judges!
Let's do this in 2-3 days!!

gypsieme's picture

I've made my donation. Let's get this done! Our freedom depends on it.

Paul A Komara Jr
Paul A Komara Jr's picture

Aloha Teri, I have made my monthly pledge.

Has KR planned another meeting?

Who has possession of the State and County seals?

Who has a copy of the news paper announcement of our meeting for constitution of Hawaii?

Tonight I will be listening to the NLA call.

Aloha, Paul