Solutions to Exercise, Promote, and Defend your Duty to Self-govern

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Barry H Durmaz
Barry H Durmaz's picture
Solutions to Exercise, Promote, and Defend your Duty to Self-govern

Dear Friends of the Keystone Commwealth,
I am listed here in NLA as a Committee of Safety Leader for Lancaster County. 
I've been searching to see if such a COS already exists in the county so that I could simply join it. But, I am not finding one. Therefore, I am moved to to do this with my family of seven and am laying the ground work for such a vital endeavor. Toward this end > vision casting > education > and training are actionable activities that are needed.
This is why I am writing you today, to get the Keystone state to answer the call of taking our counties back from the evils of socialism, Marxism, and communism. I will go deep developing the Lancaster COS, and trust leaders and participants in the other 66 counties will find the inspiration to effect a work in thier county.
In the vision casting and educations departments, I am completing my first book of how I am overcoming the problem of American's right to self-govern when there is no COS or common law Sheriff to protect my family.
To date:
> Exercise
1. Not consenting to the IRS for 18 years. Thus, I experience econmic liberty.
2. Not consenting to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation since moving to PA three years ago. Thus, I experience freedom of bodily locomotion in automobiles I own. If you'd like to view me instructing my county Sheriff and Pennsylvanian's about the fraud of PennDOT's Title 75 drivers license, view my introductory video here:

> Promote
In the effort to resurrect the freedom to self-govern, along with my book, What Is An American, we are going to rebrand America's true identity of self-government with a design that has the Keystone state smack dab in the midde with the origial 13 stripes and the rest of the states in the union with stars.(I wish I could upload an image to this messge board).
Nevertheless, please take a look at our inspiring design here:

> Defend
Further, as I complete my manuscript, I can use some folks who would love to serve as a beta reader to help me perfect the book. Please see the details I posted on Gab:
> It is my intention to prosper by exercising, promoting, and defending your God-delegated duty to govern yourself more than by strangers. The COS will serve as a major public thrust toward protecting this duty of yours. Therefore, help me devote more energy, time, and resources by getting my economic engine, What Is An American off the ground by being a beta reader and let's do something better together than we can in our individual capacities. Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.
Let's come together as Pennsylvanians and Americans who love thier liberties with their very life! That is what I've been doing for 28 years. My home is open to you for food and fellowship.
For King and county,
Barry H. Durmaz

Barry H Durmaz
Barry H Durmaz's picture

Referring to my post above: I wish the formatting for making posts was much better when you consider the advances in the ability to do exactly that. I endeavor to operation the maxim "The deisgn attracts and it's the message that sells. The formatting here is not that friendly. I am unable to make lines spaces where I want them. Perhaps someone can show me how I am wrong about that and give me a little instruction.
When I click the link below "More information about text formats" the page that load is blank except for a title.
Thank you kindly.

DJ- Hill
DJ- Hill's picture

1) :The -USofA-Government-authority was given-back to the people-heirs: DOI-1776-AD on the 18th-Nove-2022:
2) :The -Notice of the same was-made a: -recordation onto the public-record, and was immediately hidden so that you would not know; See:
Claim-# RF 645 169 011 US : OhioanProcurator- Status, Standing Documentation with the R421US, R039US, R08US-documents in the relation: GilaCRD# 2022-012369 et-:all, and : PinalCRD#- 2023-033293 for the establishment of the USofA-re-public -form-of-government by the law of the DOI-1776-AD: Status, standing, authority, orders.

R418US --

R418US --

Treason --

Treason --

Nation -Given-BACK --

Nation-Given-BACK --

Now is the time to stand on what God has done. Amein? Amein.