suggestion for more administrators...

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suggestion for more administrators...

In many places, four administrators per county will not be sufficient. It would be nice to add a new law, similar to the U.S. law that requires any settlement of people that has 50 families or more, to have public schools. There should be just as many common law courts! To have the courts more local to the majority of the people would act as a great deterrent to potential crimes being committed. No criminals want to be convicted by their lovely neighbors and/or friends, but it will certainly help everybody interact more on a very local level, which will keep unpunished crimes at a minimum and increase overall happiness and security among the people. With administrators, magistrates, security, office assistants, etc., many people will have to be involved daily in addition to the 12-25 local jurists who would be involved on a per case basis. Some places have more crime than others, so of course they will need to be staffed appropriately.