Thoughts on BIOBEDS ...

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Infamous Keny
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Thoughts on BIOBEDS ...

JUST MY THOUGHTS - Not based on in-depth science research:
I suspect that BIOBED Technology and Cloning Technology both sprung from the same underlying concepts   ...   but where Cloning takes just a few cells to start - that having been removed from the host and stored (degraded) combined with GMO technology AND use a rushed /hurried process - leaving the Clone a poor facimily of the original   ---
I suspect the BIOBED will 'tell' each cell to read its DNA 'Instructions' and correct any errors, then each cell will be 'instructed' to check its neighboring cells against its own DNA instructions and if the neighboring cell has yet to upgrade itself to the original DNA specifications, will awaken the neighbor cell and 'tell' it to get busy - and if the neighboring cell is missing (amputation or otherwise) will split & build a naw neighbor cell according to the original DNA instructions   ---
I suspect that the technology is based on transmission of 'instructions' by Frequency bombardment - REMEMBER GOD did CREATION by SPEAKING (sound vibration) it into existance   ...
If you TUNE INTO GOD through Prayer - and ASK - he will likely provide you more understanding and exposre to information upon which you can make an INFORMED Opinion (I KNOW that has worked well for me)   ...   and not just periodically 'pray', but remain in s state of communion /prayer at all times   ...   you will have direct access to GOD's Knowledge AT ALL TIMES   !!!