What can I do to help?

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What can I do to help?

I’m new to the NLA team and would like to be more involved with progressing the plan. I’ve been reading up on tons of empowering information and I’m going through the available courses. I would love to know where exactly the front line of this battle is, what exactly the obstacle currently delaying the realization of the people’s jury administrators positions is, and if anyone has a plan to overcome said obstacle that I might participate in? I would greatly appreciate any other information about or advice regarding any crucial aspects of this movement I might not have come across and or how I can understand the facts about why we are or are not making headway in the desired direction of freedom and liberty. Thanks for your time, my names Joe/Joeshmo joecaringella@yahoo and my number is (760)4749884 if anyone wants to text or email me. Peace and liberty be with you.