What do HIV and COVID Appear to have IN COMMON?

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Infamous Keny
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What do HIV and COVID Appear to have IN COMMON?

I had the opportunity (in limo business) gto talk with one of the seven scientists who developed the HIV Virus in a lab in northern Europe (Finland, I think);
He informed me of the parameters of the HIV Deevelopment program: 1) Sexually Transmittable,  2) Readily Detectable, and 3) CAUSE NO HARM TO THE HUMAN BODY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES;
After 'Patient 0', a bisexual pilot, was infecteed and travelled the world 'sharing' the virus with his 'partners', and under the guise (as the scientists were told) of tracking human sexual activvity;
After the virus reached a pre-selected saturation level, Medical Professionals from around the world were called to "Continuing Education" seminars and told to start testing for the HIV0 vvirus, AND when they find it, if the party has any of these diseases (AIDS RELATED LIST) to tell tem they had AIDS and were gonna die;  what happens when you believe in your soul that your going to die right away ... the body begins shutting down, and dies!
When 'THEY' wanted a faster /bigger 'outbreak', they just added a couple diseases to the LIST, and WOW Big Increase in AIDS Cases;  when wanting a remission, take a couple diseases off the LIST --- BOTH RESULTING IN ADVERTISING FOR, AND RECEIPT OF, LARGE DONATIONS FOR "RESEARCH";
Now we have another HORRIBLE Virus at large, and the consequential HUGE PROFITS and manipulattion of election PROPAGANDA!!!