Abuse of Power


Natural Law Requires that for every injury there “Must Be A RemedyIf you have been injured by the Courts“We the Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury”Will Restore You!

Examples of injuries:

● Mortgage foreclosure

● Tax foreclosure

● Denial of Due Process

● Unlawful Imprisonment

● Denial of Habeas Corpus

● Denial of your right to travel

● Hijacked into Family Court

● Hijacked into Probate Court

● Denial of any Unalienable Right

We the People have been providentially entrusted via Natural Law to dispense justice and were provided legal recourse to address the criminal conduct of the Judiciary and our Representatives. The People have the unbridled right by law and in law to empanel their own Grand Juries and present True Bills of Information, Indictments and Presentments to a Court of Justice which is then required to commence a criminal proceeding under Natural Law. The will of the Common Law Grand Jury is the opening and manifestation of due process in a court of law. They are the “Sureties of the Peace” that we find in the Magna Carta and are ordained by the People through the 5th Amendment and thereby formally acknowledged as an unalienable right codified by the People themselves. Whereas, inasmuch as for the sake of the only one true God, and for the restoring of our Republic, and for the healing of the discord which has arisen between us and our servants. We the “Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury” with all our strength, to observe, maintain and cause to be observed, the peace and privileges which we have granted to our servants and confirmed by the Constitution for the United States of America. In such wise, namely, that if any one of our servants shall have transgressed against anyone in any respect, or shall have broken some one of the Articles of Peace or Security, and our transgression the People may come to us showing to us the injury and they shall ask us for remedy and we will amend the injustice.

By What Authority

We the People are the Author & Source of Law

Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to our Rights, It is the Right of the People to alter government, and Institute New Servants! –Declaration of Independence

The people have an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform or change their Gov, whenever it be found adverse or inadequate to the purposes of its institution.” -  James Madison

The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.” - Samuel Adams.

The constitutions of most of our states assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent, as in electing their functionaries executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of themselves, both fact and law, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved…”[i]

“Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts, And the law is the definition and limitation of power…”[ii] “'Sovereignty' means that the decree of sovereign makes law, and foreign courts cannot condemn influences persuading sovereign to make the decree.”[iii]

“The people of this State, as the successors of its former sovereign, are entitled to all the rights which formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative.”[iv] And “the state cannot diminish the rights of the people.”[v] “Supreme sovereignty is in the people and no authority can, on any pretense whatsoever, be exercised over the citizens of this state, but such as is or shall be derived from and granted by the people of this state.”[vi]

● We the people have been providentially provided legal recourse to address the criminal conduct of the Judiciary ourselves entrusted via Natural Law to dispense justice

● We the People ordained and established the Constitution for the United States of America.[vii]

● We the People vested Congress with statute making powers.[viii]

● We the People defined and limited Congresses power of law-making.[ix]

● We the People ordained limited law-making powers via the Constitution.[x]

● We the People did not vest the Judiciary with law-making powers.

● The Rules of Common Law rule the court the FRCP do not.

● We the People in ALL Courts of Law are Free and Independent Jurist independent from the Judiciary.[xi]

Therefore, by the powers vested in “We the People” by God, the Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury, on behalf of, and the authority of, all the People commanded via Writ Quo Warranto, filed and served on May 13, 2015, upon all elected and appointed servants to state by what authority that they act or resign their positions. None Responded!!! Therefore, they forfeited their offices. This was an “Extraordinary Action at Law” by “We the People” under Natural Law for an “Extraordinary Remedy” via Writ Quo Warranto. To be followed up by “Writ Mandamus” with military enforcement when devolution plays out. Thereby, exercising our unalienable right, codified in our Founding Documents, to remove our unfaithful traitorous servants and Institute New Servants and reinstate the “Law of the Land.”

National Liberty Alliance was founded in 2012 and by 2014 NLA organized the “Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury.” The UUSCLGJ is comprised of fifty Grand Jurys each unified amongst the counties within their respective States. All fifty States have unified nationally as an assembly of 1000’s of People in the name of “We the People” to suppress through our Courts of Justice subverts acting under color of law within our governments.

The source of our authority and power originates from the “Governor of the Universe” when We the People covenanted with God via the Declaration of Independence; Wherein we were blessed with certain unalienable rights one of which was, “Vested with the Right of Government by Consent.” We the People then established and ordained the Constitution for the United States of America. Therefore, by the powers vested in “We the People” by God we established the Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury, on behalf of all the People to save our Republic.

On May 13th 2015 the UUSCLGJ filed in the Northern District of New York a Writ Quo Warranto (concealed) and served upon all federal and state elected and appointed servants demanding that they state by what authority they act or resign their positions. None responded and therefore, they forfeited their offices. Upon which the military took notice and leveraged it upon our servants. We were informed by SG Anon that this Writ Quo Warranto was used by the military to serve notice upon our servants. This was an “Extraordinary Action at Law” by “We the People” under Natural Law for an “Extraordinary Remedy.” Since then, we have filed hundreds of cases and indictment that also went unanswered. This formally set the stage to bring back our courts of Justice and resurrect our Republic. And, as soon as the military acts, we will file our final papers, with attachments that will demand restitution for all the evil they have poured out upon us for decades. Many will be arrested and tried and many hung by “Military Tribunals!” Upon the removal of these despots, we will immediately open the doors of justice, that have been closed for so long! For those who survive the military scrutiny, their disposition will be considered by the People before the Law.

Writ Quo Warranto, Restoration of our Republic,

File An Affidavit

             Download Affidavit Form.docx

E-mail your Affidavit to Intake@GovbyConsent.org - MUST BE A PDF FILE

We cannot answer calls or e-mails but if you have any questions, concerns or problems we are available every Monday from 9 to 11PM Eastern to answer any questions or address any concerns. To join the call by phone, app, or browser go to www.NationAllibertyAlliance.org/mondaycall For details to join us.

[i] Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Cartwright; June 5, 1824.

[ii] Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 US 356, 370 Quotiens dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit.

[iii] Moscow Fire Ins. Co. of Moscow, Russia v. Bank of New York & Trust Co., 294 N.Y.S. 648, 662, 161 Misc. 903.;

[iv] Lansing v. Smith, 4 Wend. 9 (N.Y.) (1829), 21 Am. Dec. 89 10C Const. Law Sec. 298; 18 C Em.Dom. Sec. 3, 228; 37 C Nav.Wat. Sec. 219; Nuls Sec. 167; 48 C Wharves Sec. 3, 7.

[v] Hurtado v. People of the State of California, 110 U.S. 516.

[vi] NEW YORK CODE - N.Y. CVR. LAW § 2: NY Code - Section 2.

[vii] We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Preamble.

[viii] Article I Section 1: ALL LEGISLATIVE POWERS herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

[ix] Article I Section 8; To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.

[x] “Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts And the law is the definition and limitation of power…” [Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 US 356, 370 Quotiens dubia interpretatio libertatis est, secundum libertatem respondendum erit]

[xi] Jones v. Jones, 188 Mo.App. 220, 175 S.W. 227, 229; Ex parte Gladhill, 8 Metc. Mass., 171, per Shaw, C.J.  See, also, Ledwith v. Rosalsky, 244 N.Y. 406, 155 N.E. 688, 689.; “judicial tribunal having attributes and exercising functions independently of the person of the magistrate designated generally to hold it, and proceeding according to the course of common law.


Rhode Island Jim's picture

For the most part, every time anyone of us - we the people - go to court, we are always listed as a Defendant, and even if it's a personal suit, 9/10 times, or even 10 out of 10 times the plaintiff is always the state of whatever state this lawsuit originates in PERFECT!!! Whether or not the plaintiff is a fictitious entity - aka -  a fictional creation of man. That, however, does not change the fact that the plaintiff must appear. If the plaintiff will not, cannot, or does not appear, then there is no case. In order for there to be a case, there must be a living breathing people known as the plaintiff. Get back to me, I'll walk you through how to fight and beat this. Piece of cake. - rhodeislandjim3@gmail.com - Jim Magee

Doer's picture

It is almost impossible to win in THEIR ROMAN CIVIL COURTS. Those "courts" are created for CORPORATIONS and ATTORNEYS, and is the reason that your Christian Name is always converted into the ALL-CAPS VESSEL NAME.  You have more chance by hiring an attorney, but of course those get expensive very quickly. An alternative would be to sue in PROBATE COURT, but you need a way to get in without a Death Certificate. Then open an Adversary Proceeding, which is like a normal lawsuit. You have the option of using Common Law or Equity, but you MUST know how to format and present the Pleadings.  Pretenders WILL be exposed! The other caveat is that NO "court" of THEIRS will proceed with a suit against one of THEIR "judges". BOTTOM LINE -- you need to EDUCATE yourself on proceedings in Common Law, Equity and Probate Court.

SGTBlueBacon's picture

Roman Civil Courts? Do you mean American Civil Court? A lawsuit wouldn't be accepted in a probate court unless it involves a deceased person. 

Jesseg's picture

Does anyone know how to congregate by counties here at NLA.org?

KenKuzman's picture

Hello-  I am in Chester COunty near Philly.  Did I read you are in Allegany County?  Did anyone from NLA get in touch or help?  Also, have you heard of Lawful America lawfulamerica.com/  and/or National Assembly  www.national-assembly.net  ?  They may have folks nearby to assist.  Let me know if you get stuck and we can talk.  i work for folks in  Wilkinsburg who may have someone to help

Jesseg's picture

Thanks so much.

Tracey-Florida's picture

HI, I've been in probate for 2 years. Brief synopsis: My dad passed away in early 2018, I have 3 sisters, they stole everything, rare coins, baseball cards, life insurance policies, stocks and bonds. I changed the locks on the house after a month of them clearing it out and trying to push me out. My mom passed away in 2010 and my dad sat us all down and said he was leaving me the house and wanted us to move in right away. My kids and I have lived with him ever since. My sisters destroyed his will, took all documents. My older sister wanted to be pr, I said no, I had a lawyer at the time, he was useless. Court appointed a pr and she became my adversary. Falsifed documents, lied. I recused 2 judges and tried to recuse the entire district court for rico and everything John Darash has quoted but at the time I did not really understand how the titles and codes worked. I have petitioned for the removal of the pr. She emergency resigned. I filed a tortious interference of inheritance which is very good, I must say for not having much experience. Still no response to it. That was filed in April of 2019. I have just filed a challenge to jurisdiction and here is my question...I have tried to file for defaults against them but the court won't look at them. I had my daughter write an affidavit of service. I need to write an affidavit of default - do I also file for judgement and file my own order? I have turned this court into a court of record. What are my next moves in order to get the defaults, jointly and severally and then move the case for cause and go after the judges and attorneys? They have taken my home, inheritance and gave me ptsd but I won't stop now.

Jesseg's picture

I am in PA but I do know that you d move to the district court for all these proceedings. Please look at this fellow on you tube, he knows everything about common law, which is basically where you d move this claim. His name s Karl Lentz, and simply type whatever question your describing into the search box next to his name, as such! Also, his website is, www.broadmind.org.

Rhode Island Jim's picture

Tracey, I have been following common-law for quite some time now, going on. 4 or 5 years. I haven't really won my case yet, but I have made some interesting discoveries. One of the 1st things is - somewhere, there's an unwritten 3-time rule and it seems that things don't take place, until you file things 3 times. What I would do, is submit both the short claim letter, stating your claim and then file an affidavit. They must answer an affidavit. If they do not answer the affidavit, then everything in the affidavit stands as law. But, as I said, there's that hidden unwritten 3 rule law. - rhodeislandjim3@gmail.com

@rutharcle's picture

Your question: you Need to write an affidavit of default - do you also file for judgment and file your own order:
e-mail synopsis as an attachment to NLA's intake coordinator Jim
wait 30 days from date you filed a challenge to jurisdiction then use the Affidavit of Default Form 

Tracey-Florida's picture

I did file a challenge jurisdiction in January, it hasn't been 30 days yet, I also did a joinder. I just filed a motion for default, affidavit of default, certificate of process and entry of default. The defendants defaulted back in April of 2019. I filed 3 times for default, requested hearings, requested jury trial and was ignored. But, I did not have proof of service so the defaults were never granted. I'm crossing my fingers but do plan on taking control of my court and moving it for cause to go after these asses masquerading as attorneys and judges. I can be reached at mojobeauty2000@gmail.com if you have more good advice :)

@rutharcle's picture

The key is as John says, get out of that court! You won't get any justice and the judge is biased. Follow John and weekly topics to keep abreast of Joinder cases and call in Monday night to ask a question if any present

roswell47's picture

They spend 10 minutes of energy throwing out your case , clearing their calendar , and resting in place.  Now you get to spend all your energy for the next 10 years trying to get justice.  "Wake up America".  

rosanbala's picture

absolutely. and not a qualm?? some dont know?? ..oh dear  I did read Wisdom chapter 1 and ch 2 this morning.. it was an accident.. I just turned to it..

@rutharcle's picture

119 newer judges appointed 

roswell47's picture

About 2000 federal judges being paid 400 million a year to protect status quo amid tyrants. 100 new judges won't change a thing appointed by this president - " your delusion is a fantasy". Make it twice that amount with benefits, lets call it a billion ! Where does a country get that much money year after year to continue the treason and subversion ?The private and unaudited federal reserve of course.  Once you give away the banks and money supply to people it wont take long till they run America and then the planet   - as they choose - and you and you become insignificant and without life.  In the end the bankers buzz around the planet in their helicopters and planes admiring the new wilderness absent of people except the chosen few.  Meanwhile fools advise us Trump continues to drain the swamp!

Queen Hezekiah's picture

Why be so negitive....the only "Fools" here are those who do not stand and believe on The WORD of Almighty God, that HE will have the last word! 
Lucifarians are not going to win. It is written that the prophets foretold good things, regardless of what the devils bring, and are STILL foretelling VICTORY in the fight between GOOD & EVIL. Remember Yeshua/Jesus The Christ has ALREADY WON. We just need to take up the sword of HIS WORD and use it in spiritual warfare!
Be of good courage, God is not to be mocked...whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap.
A new day dawns here for the righteous and the righteousness of God's Kingdom on earth. We the People are DOING SOMETHING in the name of the Constitution that was established on the very WORD OF GOD. That WORD is settled in Heaven..and on Earth FOREVER. Don't think for one minute that Satan and his Demons, and those opposed in Treason, High Treason are going to win!.......never in this world nor in the next.
Let God Almighty and His People in righteousness arise, and their enemies be scattered!!!

@rutharcle's picture

We're moving along nicely now keeping the faith hope springs eternal fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me hold hold on holding still be still remain calm we got this!

Stolen2255's picture


Jesseg's picture

Hi this is my email if you have need any questions answered in regards to the use of the website, here, at www.getmychildrenback.com. I have been  in the midst of using the process described. Email is at, peacejerk81@aol.com..

Lee J Draper's picture

My interpretation of this situation is that CPS Child Support Review is purely for CPS to intercept any child support as they feel they have legal custody of your children. My recommendation to you is relocate outside of their jurisdiction ASAP Before That Hearing! if you have family or friends in another state go there lay low until the children are 18.You can always collect the child support after that. Child support belongs to the children if you are there primary provider then that child support belongs to you, as fiduciary , to be distributed to the children. The obligation cannot be disposed of in a bankruptcy and never goes away for the obligated parent.
In general:
Never allow CPS to place their hands on your children. If they are at your door and demand to see the children as a welfare check lock your security door and allow them to see the children only if you can see a warrant held up to a locked door with a wet signature. In review of such a warrant  if they want to verify there are no bruises or other abuse marks you can lift the child shirt or whatever is necessary to show to that effect do not allow them access to your children. FCPS shows up at your door with a police officer demanding access close the door call the sheriff remind the sheriff of his obligation to the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic do not open the door until the sheriff is standing on the other side.
CPS it's not your friend they do not have your child's best interest at heart. 

Jesseg's picture

Please email me at your discretion with questions, because the web master of this site has been overwhelmed. My email is, peacejerk81@aol.com. I  have been/ am going through it, and will walk you through-  any main questions you can about it. Thanks to- website is called, www.getmychildrenback.com

JoejoeBabie's picture

Can I share with you just one of the things that keeps me up at night? Am I not a "posterity"? Our fore fathers would say and for our "posterity" in the addressing of of thier natural rights, and to shake off the shackles of the "King" to establish what was right and good for them.  Well.... because I happened to be born about 100yrs too late to be a party to a perk of homesteading... you were able to stake off a piece of land, as long as you lived on it, worked it for yours and your "posterity" I AM A "POSTERITY" !!! Does anyone know where or how  I claim a little piece of property, you know olden days style homesteading? I have been attempting to research said problem but continue to come across same'ole same'ole rhetoric, round'ie round'ie hopeless bureaucratic nonsence, or over encumbered, estrangulated covanants and restrictions connected to said "free land" Is there anyone out there who can confirm this American dream is in all actuality DEAD.... So that I can lay it to rest. Or that there is undiscovered by me, some thread of information I could follow? Oh shoot did I put this in the wrong place? I'm new!?!

Squire Piper.'s picture

Perhaps you claim your support in this event by learning what a title is.
Then , contact the title company and tell them you are in possession of the location.
Now that you have found fault you need the form to apply for the title.
There is More you need to know though if you want to call me back tap on the call in the Post.
I believe that the number is there.

Squire Piper.'s picture

Question: Are you doing business as ALL CAPITAL NAME?
You should have done this before so I believe that you have done this already.
You must claim the injury. As a Plaintiff so you can be in place of the ENTITY. As this is Not you.
Everybody. Everything.

Wolftone's picture

How do you claim the name?

Jesseg's picture

Hi, go to you tube and search box this guy, hiss name is Karl Lentz- immediate restoration of property (kids)! He knows much about this type of law.. basically exposed the "common law", to the U.S. public.

Jesseg's picture

Hi, this site is great, www.getmychildrenback.com. I am in the midst of utilizing the methods on it, it prescribes. Please email, I ask if you have any questions about this site, you will- Email me please- at this address, peacejerk81@aol.com

Dwayne Kellams's picture

Please, anybody that can help me get to the study course, you can call dwayne at 432-210-2986,their not much help in the front office for this issue. 

Ron Flick's picture

Dwayne you need to set up your phone system if you want someone to call and offer help. Most HOME PAGES of the Courses have a person's name and an email to reach for assistance on any problems you might have with a course.

Freemel05's picture

Hi, I am wondering how I will know if you guys are going to help me with my cases or not?  I'm on somewhat of a time limit and need to file paperwork in the next few days so thats the reason I'm wondering.  Please let me know via email that is on my joinder application.  Thank you for all that you do!

DarlaGoulla's picture

did anyone help you, just looking for a person who used it and got  results

Dwayne Kellams's picture

Good luck 

geogard's picture

Can I or preferably someone w/a better understanding of procedure initiate the investigation and file a request with the Ukrainian government to investigate the possible criminal activity of Joe and Hunter Biden with respect to a "quid-pro-quo" of the previous Ukraine government. "We the People" should know about any illegal or criminal activity committed by any person in our government that misuses our tax dollars to pressure another country's government into a compromising situation. "We the People" have the right to know who the crooks are. Our power "Trumps" all power in this present government. Perhaps we can petition our dysfunctional Congress to initiate our request as a demand for an investigation.

Freemel05's picture

I have a couple of questions on right to travel in Michigan.  I have a bit of a back story and I'm not sure how to email as this is my first time on here.  Could someone get in contact with me?!   Thank you so much and I look forward to helping take back our country!!

databrain's picture

After our recent elections, many Virginians are now faced with socialist democrats in control of our State government.  They are now proceeding with bills to effectively "infringe" upon many unalienable Rights - especially our right to self-defense.  Thus, Americans are pushing their elected County Board of Supervisors to pass "resolutions" saying they support the Constitution, our Rights, etc.  Of couse, said resolutions are essentially useless - except for getting eyeballs on the issue.   
I believe the next big step will be Common Law Court - to stop out of control government officials implementing their UnConstitutioanl rules, laws, etc. passed by folks in Richmond.  Anyone care to chime in on how we might take a Common Law approach to this - especially at a local level - including the Sheriffs, etc.?
Thanks!  Tim

Freecountry's picture

can I use live life claim on all of this ? 
With my standing claim in court ? 
i have to stay on point with standing , but probate is bring witness to testify my parents had dementia ? I was not aware of this ! It’s consperacy / coercion is what they are doing !! Is it possible to get some ideas ! I really need your involvement! the help is needed now ! 

Save-our-republic's picture

On disobeying officer not giving my license and registration, didn't say I wouldn't give it but kept asking questions instead, resisting arrest the women was 5 ft 1 110 lbs  said I wouldn't let her handcuff when I was on my knees hands behind my back I've wrestled 450 lb men she didn't have strength enough to unlock cuffs at police station what's my best defense 

L Joe Silva's picture

How is it that you ended out on you knees hand cuffed, I'm not sure what you did but whatever it was she arrested you. We have a woman deputy out here where I live and ,she is about the size of the woman you described and she is more than capable of taking down anyone she needs to.  Might I suggest not getting stupid with law enforcement as you are outnumbered to say the least and it is quite embarrassing to be taken down by a little tiny woman.

Evette's picture

I have a 10 yr. Divorce I appealed in Southern District Court, NYC with a Federal Judge Colleen McMahon, who gave my corrupt Judge Matthew Cooper Immunity. I supplied all no jurisdiction law, no jury law, the court is not soverign, it is a Corporation selling securities. etc... still protected this fraud judge. 10 yrs held hostage with all my cash and property given to my attorney spouse with no impartialtiy and no equitible distribution.  Now I neeed to supply an appeal in appelate Court.  I am not sure what to do. I am fried from 10 yrs of abuse and extortion,being given no support on food stamps, chronically in deprivation, left with nada.  I still live in my home but I too want to sue the President, the Governor, the Mayor, all the politicans who have ignored my fraud in NYC which is treason to not report fraud. I have Chief Judges, Janet Di Fiore, ignored me, and Chief Judges at 60 Centre Street in NYC too, with my own5 attorneys who worked for the other side and multiple attorneys in collusion with the court and my ex spouse a personal injury attorney too.  From $2Million to food stamps and medicaide is killing me.

Jesseg's picture

Have you ever heard of common law? I can break down the concept, it s basically what our Constitution is based on with men of this country having sovereign rights, as the king. This government has taken up our judicial sovereign rights by way,  since the last hundred years or, so. Some judge's in 1929 or '39, at which point simply "reverted" to our judicial system to being deciphered in standard ,using  'codes', instead..hence, the way we know now 'live', today!  Karl Lentz has some interesting deductions on the matter. He s all over you tube. Just type in his name, and general words you have a question about in that search box. His website too, is at www.broadmind.org. so, when moving jurisdiction in a common law court, it is by the intent of someone who has been deprived of property, tort by malpractice, family law rights to property (family members), etc.

Ziggybro82's picture

If you could call me john. I have a answer from the assistant DA on the challenge of jurisdiction. I would like to E-mail a copy to you just so you can see his answer its 3 pages ?? 

TamarahElMoore's picture

Do share please!?

TamarahElMoore's picture

Do share please!?

Evette's picture

My challenge to Jurisdiction, and fruad, was Immunity, and then Judge McMahon dismissed my "affidavit of Bond procedures" and "affidavit of Corporate denial" too, becuse I am alive and not a corporation.. prove it.  right,. you can never win here. I have fraud documents and complaints to the judicial board from 2016 when Preete Bahara, Loretta Lynch, Eric Schneiderman were around, and Govnor Cuomo, 13 parties here in New York City, my Senator, Councilmenmers, all these people do nothing.  It is as if we do not exist.  But ask us to attend a town meeting or to protest over development in historic communities, etc... we show up. I have been to congress 3 times with 3 different groups of advocates talking about fraud, extortion, child trafficking... It is very frustrating having no constituion or bill of rights and disability rights in the deception we have experienced in Admiralty courts of commerce and contracts.  
